How We Select Our Scholarship Recipients

It is quite a process!

It starts with an application.

We try to change it slightly each year, but we use a base of informational questions. We always ask a question or two that requires the applicant to demonstrate writing skills. We try to have it ready to go in November or December. It is offered online and in hard copy. Over the last few years, we receive the majority online through our website.

Next we open the submission to seniors and gather applications.

We spread the word through our social media accounts and through the high school counselors’ office. A number of years ago, we were lucky if we received a dozen applications. Recently, there have been around 50 each year! We love the attention our scholarships now get and how so many are honored to receive one.

Then we review all completed applications and choose who to interview.

The entire board and all officers work on this and it involves hours of reading through applications, a lot of discussion, and a little bit of heavy debate. Yet we always come to an agreement.

Eventually we decide on interviewing about half of the applications, depending on total number received.

Our devoted and hard working committee interviews about 25+ seniors IN ONE WEEKEND!

Finally, the interview committee compares their notes, discusses the interviews, and makes tough decisions.

Very, very hard decisions.

We announce the recipients!


Our 2020 scholarship recipients at a brunch in their honor held August 1, 2020.

L/R: Beyonce Hammond, Kylie Colombo, Taylor McArthur, Catherine Krause, Jayden McCarrell, Mackenzie Reeves, William McDonald, Lisette Arreguin, and Nicholas Cockerill. Missing are Morgan Hughes, Victoria Noriega, Alyssa Mackerelle, and Carlos Soto.

Thank you for reading post three of four about our scholarships. Please feel free to comment below if you have questions.


How We Award More Scholarships


The Value of Our Scholarship Program