The MHS Homecomings

It’s a tradition! How better to describe MHS Homecoming than with pictures and few words?

Enjoy the memories!


There are dances, mums, ribbons and pennants, decorating, western and spirit days involved with homecoming.


Cheers, royalty, skits, a spirit stick, football players, dance routines, signs … so much goes on at homecoming assembly!


Floats, marching bands, cars, lots of candy, flags, a horse, bicycles and people make a good parade. Sometimes you need “Mower Lions” to make a great parade!


“We’ll be together whatever the weather, Lions and Lionettes, too. Moore High, for you we’ll always try. And may we bring honor to our school. We’ll always fight, fight, fight for victory! For MHS, we’ll do or die!” FIGHT!!


“We are all kings and queens in the kingdom of life.” ~ Angela Gwinner


Over the decades, some traditions waned, some new ones started, and some morphed slightly. Here are things I observed during my research.

  • In the 70s, the week before homecoming was called Western Days instead of Spirit Week. At that time, it may have been one day or several during the week. However, a western day has often been held during spirit weeks over the years. For the last several decades, spirit days are organized during homecoming week and Moore War week. The themes have certainly been creative.

  • During the mid 70s, there were a few years that an “All Sports Queen” was selected as part of the football homecoming. When that queen was named at the ceremony, she then crowned the attendant as queen of her sport. (Confusing? Maybe that’s why it didn’t last long!)

  • Parades have been held as far back as the early 70s. I can’t confirm that they were held in the 60s when the high school was not yet located on Eastern Avenue. The route has changed slightly over the years. I am pretty sure candy being thrown randomly and wildly has always been a part of it.

  • Mums were popular at least through the 80s, possibly into the 90s or 00s here and there. Of course, they were never Texas size, but they are apparent in photos. Ribbons that were pinned to a mum or worn alone were popular from the 60s into the early 90s. Some were quite large, but I remember small ones being ‘sold’ for each game. They were something to collect!

  • A Homecoming Dance was held sporadically. There seemed to be years when a dance was very popular and some that one didn’t even exist!

  • At some point in time, the ceremonial crowning of the homecoming queen was moved from halftime to before the game. Maybe this was in the 00s? At least, the football players aren’t all sweaty and the pictures are much better with sunlight!

  • Perhaps it was in the 90s that royalty attendants were assigned a particular color of formal dress to wear based on their year. Blue was assigned to seniors, red to juniors, and white to sophomores. When freshman were added to the high school, they were assigned black.

  • It appears that the practice of the “king” or escort kissing the newly crowned queen has changed slightly. It is no longer acceptable to place a big smack right on the lips! A possible exception may be if the couple is dating? Can anyone tell us if those involved are specifically told they cannot kiss? Or is just that no one gets a photo and/or said photo doesn’t make the yearbook(s)? So many questions!


“The Moore Maniacs from ‘88-’91. Their shenanigans. They took Del City’s eagle.” ~ Estrella Ecnan

“Changing the “N” on Norman’s football field to an “M” the night before Homecoming.” ~ Stephen Waide

“We had one long ribbon that had all the players names on it.” ~ Martha Taylor

“I remember in the 1972 pep assembly, me, Jack Good, and Danny Albert created a zulu chant and the letterman’s club guys joined in to step up the spirit.” ~ Glenn Elliott


The boring stuff! However, as historian, I feel obligated to provide it!

HoCo History Facts.png

Thank you to all of the photographers over the years, as well as the Timekeeper staffs who save the memories for us! Please leave your homecoming memories in the comments.

Thanks for reading. More blogs are being written. Keep coming back for more!


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